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Friday, February 22, 2013

Excellent Travel Tips

Travel Tips

Before Leaving

  • Leave an itinerary, including contact numbers, with family, friends and coworkers
  • Make three copies of all important documents you are taking (driver’s license, passport, credit cards, traveler’s checks)
  • Leave one copy at home, keep one in your briefcase or purse, and one in your luggage
  • Ensure someone checks on your residence while you're gone, checking mail, removing newspapers, caring for animals, etc
  • Remember to leave and arrival early

At the Airport

  • Stay in secure populated parts of the airport
  • Avoid ATMs or terminals not in use
  • Be aware of your surroundings and look alert, don't get distracted

In the Security Line:

  • Don’t let anyone cut in front of you in line
  • Retrieve belongings as soon as you get through security
  • Remember: Always keep your belongings on/with you.

Upon Arrival

At the Hotel:

  • Ask the receptionist to write your room number down instead of saying it aloud
  • Request a duplicate key to the room
  • If you feel uncomfortable with a person in an elevator get off at another floor
In the City:

  • Don’t tell people it’s your first time to the city
  • Have a map and know where you are and how to get back to your hotel